Share the Best Moments in
Videos with Friends

The easy-to-use app for marking the best moments in videos and sharing them with friends.

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Share your thoughts

You can share your thoughts about a particular moment in a video so that your friends know what you were thinking when watching the video. Your thoughts will have a timestamp, linking to the right point in the video.

image displays the screenshot button on the video notebook extension. it shows how users can use the screenshot button to take a screenshot of the video that the user is watching.

Mark the best moments

You can also take timestamped screenshots, to mark the best moments in a video quickly. It only takes a button click.

image displays the screenshot button on the video notebook extension. it shows how users can use the screenshot button to take a screenshot of the video that the user is watching.

Generate a link

Share a link to your timestamped thoughts and screenshots with your friends.

image displays the screenshot button on the video notebook extension. it shows how users can use the screenshot button to take a screenshot of the video that the user is watching.

Laugh or learn from the same moments in a video

Clicking on the link leads to an automatically created web page with all your timestamped notes and screenshots. Now, your friends can watch your favorite moments, even in a long video. They will appreciate the immersive experience of watching the video and reading the thoughts you had.

image displays the screenshot button on the video notebook extension. it shows how users can use the screenshot button to take a screenshot of the video that the user is watching.
© VideoNotebook 2023